Thursday, March 29, 2012

Buy 1 Take 2

Advertising have their persuasive ways in selling their products. And with the help of technology, sponsors can easily reach to any possible consumers. They also have the power to take advantage of people by placing ads and billboards on a certain interests they may have. For instance, a baseball game in which you can see billboards and ads of PlayStation 3 or XBOX 360 games, Mountain Dew, etc. Besides sports, they can reach even deeper with other activities of people’s interest. It could almost be everything from buses to a city you love and respect. I don't like the fact that these companies target schools to buy their products. To me it just distracts them in their studies and it takes a while for them to be back in their learning zone. This is definitely true because I experienced a lot of these when I was still going to school. I think they target schools because children are the future and they have the ability to think of something new. Advertising have this way of persuading me in buying whatever they have to offer. But most likely I won’t buy their products. Not because I have no money which is true, I just strongly believe in the phrase, “There will always be something new!”

The way how I avoid this is by skipping the ads on YouTube. And when the TV commercial appears I usually flip it to a different station or go to the bathroom. It’s not that it bothers me; I just don’t care about what’s hot or not. I sometimes buy certain commercially successful products and I don’t even know it. Advertising usually calls in celebrities to sponsor their products to encourage their audience. No one knows how much money these actors or musicians are making out of it, but the one thing we do know is that they’re making a lot. Besides videos, you can see ads on newspapers, magazines and especially the internet. The internet can help send out the message easily because everybody uses the internet. Advertising takes advantage of this form of communication.